In order for schools to return to in-person learning, certain health standards must be met. Eagle will begin the 2020-2021 school year in a Comprehensive Distance Learning model.
The operational blueprint outlines Comprehensive Distance Learning and the health and safety protocols that will be put in place when students return to in-person learning. The protocols have been approved by the local public health authority. The operational blueprint will be updated on an as-needed basis as the health situation continues to evolve.
2021-22 Updated information:
The operational blueprint outlines Comprehensive Distance Learning and the health and safety protocols that will be put in place when students return to in-person learning. The protocols have been approved by the local public health authority. The operational blueprint will be updated on an as-needed basis as the health situation continues to evolve.
- 2021 Operational Blueprint
- Letter of Attestment from Marion County Health & Human Services
- Eagle Charter School example distance learning schedule for 2020-2021
2021-22 Updated information:
- Eagle Charter School safe return to in person instructions and continuity plan
- Individualized COVID-19 Recovery Services
On February 28, 2020, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) announced its first presumptive case of novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19). Since that time, the situation has evolved rapidly, leading to an unprecedented order from Governor Kate Brown to close all Oregon schools March 16, 2020. During the spring closure, Eagle Charter School offered distance learning, delivered online through various platforms and tools. In September 2020, Eagle Charter School offers Comprehensive Distance Learning to keep students engaged and learning during the global pandemic. This section serves as a general reference for these offerings and will be updated regularly as our school plans evolve.
On February 28, 2020, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) announced its first presumptive case of novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19). Since that time, the situation has evolved rapidly, leading to an unprecedented order from Governor Kate Brown to close all Oregon schools March 16, 2020.
During this closure, Eagle Charter School will offer distance learning, delivered online through various platforms and tools. This page serves as a general reference for these offerings and will be updated regularly as our school plans evolve.
During this closure, Eagle Charter School will offer distance learning, delivered online through various platforms and tools. This page serves as a general reference for these offerings and will be updated regularly as our school plans evolve.
Internet Assistance
- Comcast has opening up its network of hotspot access for free. For families who live close enough to take an advantage of this network, we encourage you to try it out:
- How to make a hotspot with your mobile device (Service charges may apply with different carriers):
- AT&T is providing internet service for $10 per month to families who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or the National School Lunch Program through their Access from AT&T program. For additional information please see their COVID-19 Response.
- Spectrum offers their Internet Assist program to provide low-cost internet service to qualifying families. Additionally, Spectrum is opening their wifi hotspots for public access.
Education Platforms Used
Class Dojo (Grades K-5) is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what's being learned in the classroom home through photos, videos, and messages.
SeeSaw (Grades K-2) is a platform for student engagement that inspires students of all ages to do their best, and saves teachers time!
Students use creative tools to take pictures, draw, record videos and more to capture learning in a portfolio.
Teachers find or create activities to share with students.
Families only see their child's work and leave comments and encouragement.
Students use creative tools to take pictures, draw, record videos and more to capture learning in a portfolio.
Teachers find or create activities to share with students.
Families only see their child's work and leave comments and encouragement.
Google Classroom (Grades 3-5) is a free web-based platform that integrates your G Suite for Education account with all your G Suite services, including Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar. Classroom saves time and paper, and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and stay organized. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn't completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Classroom.
i-Ready (Grades K-5) is an online program for reading and/or mathematics that will help your child’s teacher(s) determine your child’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows your teacher(s) to meet your child exactly where they are and provides data to increase your child’s learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Instruction.
Reading Resources
- READ-to yourself, to someone else, to stuffed animals, record yourself reading, etc.
- EPIC!-online books
- Library to go Oregon digital Library consortium -Libby/Overdrive and Tumblebooks
- Audible Stories
- Starfall (Best for grades K-3)
- ABCya Word Games (Works best on non-tablet devices)
- Scholastic Learn At Home (A free resource for all families from Scholastic with daily lessons that include literacy, science & math.)
Writing Resources
- Create a small moments story using words, pictures and/or sounds
- Keep a journal of your activities at home using words, pictures and/or sounds
- Write a letter or card to a family members and friends (online letter creator linked here)
- Write a poem using the Magnetic Poetry board
- Picture Prompts- select a picture and prompt to write about
- ABCya Letter and Sound Practice (Best for kindergarten and Works best on non-tablet devices)
- ABCya Letter and Sound Practice (Best for grade 1 and Works best on non-tablet devices)
- ABCya Story Maker (Best for grades K-3 and Works best on non-tablet devices)
Math Resources
- i-Ready
- Play a board, card, and other strategy game
- Follow a recipe while helping your family make a meal
- Math At Home- Math Learning Center
- Math Games
- Math Before Bed
- YouCubed at Home
Science and Social Studies Resources
- Mystery Science
- Virtual Tours: National Parks
- Virtual Museum Tours
- British Museum, London
- Arts and Culture - (Best for 3rd-5th Grade)
- The Children's Museum of Manhattan
- National museum of Natural History
- GeoGuesser (Best for 3rd-5th Grade)
- Project Explore (Best for 3rd-5th Grade)
Movement and Music Resources
- GoNoodle Brain Breaks
- Beaverton School District Brain Boost Page (multiple resources for all ages) THAN YOU Beaverton!
- Sing Along Everyday
- Music K-8 Kids
- Mr. L's April Stay Home PE Challenge!
- Mr. L's April Stay Home PE Challenge YouTube Channel!!!
Stay Fit with MR.L - PE Challenge!!!
Social Emotional Resources
- Talking to Children About COVID-19 (A parent resource)
- Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the Coronavirus (From NPR)
- Cornoavirus Explained for kids (Video from the CDC)
Other Resources
- Scholastic Learn at Home (A free resource for all families from Scholastic with daily lessons that include literacy, science & math.)
- Common Sense Media
- See Kindergartens web page for additional resources.
Things to do!
- Virtual Road Trip! :o)
- Use Playdough to make words, letters, numbers
- Write in the dirt with a stick
- Write green and orange words or math equations or numbers on sticky notes or paper and spread them around the house or outside and have your child find them.
- Put the above items in Easter eggs and hide them.
- Measure how many steps it takes to get from one spot to the other, ie. the yard, patio, the kitchen, the bathroom, ect. Then compare it to another place
- Measure using objects (markers, crayons, blocks) how long the table is or how tall someone is
- How many times can you jump or jump rope
- How many hopes does it take to get from point a to point b
- Board games
- Card games
- Go on a letter hunt, how many items can you find that start with a letter or end with a letter or can you find something for each letter
- Paint with water or paint letters and numbers ‘
- Help cook dinner
- Vacuum
- Sweep
- Put away dishes
iPad Device Support
If Zoom is giving you a "password incorrect' error-
If your child is attempting to log into Zoom and they received an error "password incorrect" after properly entering the password, please follow the instructions from the below video for a step by step walkthrough. If this does not fix the issues, please let your students teacher know. We will have to wipe the iPad. Once wiped, please see the below instructions for what to do if your device is wiped.
What to do if your device needs wiped-
This video will provide a step by step process once the school has wiped your device. This issue happens when troubleshooting has been exhausted. You will be referred to this video by your students teacher if this is needed.
Need help connecting to WiFi, see below-
Connect iPad to a Bluetooth device-,the%20name%20of%20the%20device.
Install updates for your iPad device-
This will need to be done when Apple releases new updates for Apple devices. Best time to do this at the end of the day when your child is done with school. These updates will be pushed from the school, but instances may arise when you want your update done sooner to avoid school day interruptions.
Use the volume controls-
If your child is attempting to log into Zoom and they received an error "password incorrect" after properly entering the password, please follow the instructions from the below video for a step by step walkthrough. If this does not fix the issues, please let your students teacher know. We will have to wipe the iPad. Once wiped, please see the below instructions for what to do if your device is wiped.
What to do if your device needs wiped-
This video will provide a step by step process once the school has wiped your device. This issue happens when troubleshooting has been exhausted. You will be referred to this video by your students teacher if this is needed.
Need help connecting to WiFi, see below-
Connect iPad to a Bluetooth device-,the%20name%20of%20the%20device.
Install updates for your iPad device-
This will need to be done when Apple releases new updates for Apple devices. Best time to do this at the end of the day when your child is done with school. These updates will be pushed from the school, but instances may arise when you want your update done sooner to avoid school day interruptions.
Use the volume controls-
Chromebook Device Support
Need help connecting to WiFi, see below-
Connect Chromebook to a Bluetooth device-
Keep your Chromebook updated-
This will need to be done weekly to make sure new updates are installed. Best time to do this at the end of the day when your child is done with school. These updates will be pushed from the school, but instances may arise when you want your update done sooner to avoid school day interruptions. Logout every week at least once! Logging out daily will ensure your device is up to date.
Remove an account from a Chromebook-
This will help with Zoom and iReady issues if normal troubleshooting fails. Follow the below steps to remove and add your profile on a Chromebook.
Connect Chromebook to a Bluetooth device-
Keep your Chromebook updated-
This will need to be done weekly to make sure new updates are installed. Best time to do this at the end of the day when your child is done with school. These updates will be pushed from the school, but instances may arise when you want your update done sooner to avoid school day interruptions. Logout every week at least once! Logging out daily will ensure your device is up to date.
Remove an account from a Chromebook-
This will help with Zoom and iReady issues if normal troubleshooting fails. Follow the below steps to remove and add your profile on a Chromebook.
- On the Chromebook sign-in screen, select the profile you want to remove.
- Next to the profile name, select the Down arrow.
- Select Remove this user.
- In the box that appears, select Remove this user.
- On the bottom, click Add person.
- Enter the Google Account email address and password, then click Next.
- Follow the steps that appear.