What is new!
- For school calendar and supply list for 2024-25, please see our Parent Information page under Resources.
- Interested in enrolling your child, please see our Parent Information page under Enrollment Inquiry.
Eagle Charter School is a state-sponsored K-5 elementary charter school with 150 students in six grades. For the past 3 years we have had the honor to be nominated and voted the Best of Mid-Valley for local charter schools. Our curriculum follows Common Core State Standards and includes MicroSociety enrichment every school day. Parents of elementary students across the state are encouraged to apply for admission in our charter school, which is open to all Oregon students.
What Makes Eagle Unique?
Differentiated CurriculumWe use a variety of strategies to meet the individual needs of all students, from individual learning paths in iReady to targeted small group instruction.
The Eagle TeamLearning starts with a great team! Eagle Staff are dedicated to providing safe learning spaces to meet the needs of students and prepare them for the real world.
MicroSocietyMicroSociety students learn and apply the responsibilities of citizenship and real-world job skills.
Keep Up With Eagle
You can find us on Facebook! Just type Eagle Charter School.
Not finding what you need?
See the Contact page for more information
See the Contact page for more information
Note: Your questions and concerns are important to us. Please remember, office staff, are taking care of our Eagle children and staff. An email might be most effective if your question or concern isn’t time-sensitive.
Eagle Charter Calendar
The 2023-2024 school year calendar is available online as a single page pdf. This calendar is approved by the Board of Education and is subject to change based upon school cancellations and dismissals throughout the year.
**NOTE: The Eagle Google Calendar will supersede the any pdf version of the calendar.
**NOTE: The Eagle Google Calendar will supersede the any pdf version of the calendar.
Lottery Application and Registration
Our lottery for the 2025-2026 school year will be held on March 31, 2025.
If you are interested in joining our waitlist or are looking for information about next year's lottery, please see the Parent Information portion of our website. |
All kids should feel safe at school and in their communities. SafeOregon gives kids, parents, schools and their communities a way to report safety threats or potential acts of violence. Together, we’ll empower people to speak out and spark change. Go to SafeOregon.com for more information. |
Reporting Sexual Conduct and Child Abuse
1-855-503-SAFE (7233)
Local law enforcement
Local law enforcement
- Keizer Police Department - (503) 390-2000
- Marion County Sheriff’s Office - (503) 588-5032
- Polk County Sheriff’s Office - (503) 623-9251
- Salem Police Department - (503) 588-6123
Eagle Charter School promotes equal opportunity for all individuals without regard to age, color, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion or creed, sex or gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status.